4 dangers that may occur if you drink too much “coffee”

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Coffee, if drunk properly, can be beneficial. But if you drink too much May cause harm to the body May affect the functioning of all 4 body systems. In addition, you should drink black coffee. and should drink water accordingly To prevent dehydration and caffeine residue in the body.

Dr. Suwanchai Wattana Yingcharoenchai The Director-General of the Department of Health said that people of working age like to drink coffee. To be alert, refreshed, reduce sleepiness, and increase vigor. In the morning or during the day Makes people habituated to drinking coffee Therefore, you may accidentally drink too much. There is also a chance of getting caffeine from food sources other than coffee, such as tea, soft drinks, cocoa, and energy drinks.  โปรโมชั่น ufabet

How much coffee do you drink? It’s not dangerous.

Adults can consume caffeine. You should get the right amount from drinks. and various foods It is recommended to limit your daily caffeine intake to no more than 300-400 milligrams per day. This is equivalent to 3-4 cups of coffee. 

Dangers of drinking too much coffee

If the body receives too much caffeine, known as overdose of caffeine (Caffeine Overdose), it will affect various systems of the body as follows.

  1. central nervous system It causes hand shaking, insomnia, anxiety, headaches, and sometimes it can cause seizures.
  2. digestive system It increases the secretion of acid and gastric juice in the stomach. Makes the amount of gastric juice and stomach acid increase. People with stomach or intestinal ulcers Therefore, you should avoid all types of coffee. Including drinks or food that contain caffeine as an ingredient.
  3. circulatory system Caffeine stimulates the heart. increase blood circulation May temporarily increase blood pressure. Especially in people who normally do not consume caffeine. Group with pre-existing high blood pressure High blood pressure may increase your risk of heart disease.
  4. urinary system Caffeine reduces water reabsorption. When passing into the kidney Makes the kidneys excrete more water. Urge to urinate more frequently Calcium, which is a type of stone-forming substance. Will be excreted with urine. In a situation where there is an abnormal amount And the harsh environment can cause urinary tract stones or urinary tract infections. Kidney function deteriorates and may be seriously dangerous, leading to kidney failure